While great scientists and statesmen of the world have been apprehensive of a third world war at any moment nobody could have visualized a scenario of innocent civilians of a country being attacked frequently by gunmen of a foreign country, who enter based on fake passports or clandestinely cross the borders. The recent attacks in India, especially in Jammu and Kashmir, on schools, temples and strategic buildings by Pakistani nationals are called acts of cross-border terrorism simply because these activities are performed by infiltrators. It is all a cowardly act, disowned by the Pakistani government but fully supported by it, and quite so damaging and monstrous. 

The major incidents include attacks on Akshardham temple, The Indian parliament, the attack on Ram Janmabhoomi temple in Ayodhya and a series of attacks in Kashmir. Luckily, the casualty on the Indian side has been small Thanks to the courage of security men posted on the campus of the parliament a major political crisis was averted. In the attack on the temple in Ayodhya also the security guards were successful in killing every terrorist who had forcibly entered the precincts. 

But this safety achieved at so high a cost is not a solution to the problem While security systems of strategic buildings can be strengthened not much is possible in crowded markets of Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Banglore or Kolkata, A woman or a child in the lap of its mother is quite defenceless against a car bomb of a suicide bomber. In such explosions the extent of damage is big, the panic of the people is overwhelming, and the loss of several lives is just inevitable. And all this happens in seconds without anybody having any inkling of death moving so luxuriously in a smart car. This is the crux of the problem - an infiltrator, because of the similarity of complexion, constitution and language mixes easily with the natives and hits his target with precision and without any resistance. 

Back in their country, such infiltrators who naturally die in explosions are paid glorious tributes for their acts of courage. They are presented as models before young adventures who for money and other allurements are ready to risk their lives. Never was martyrdom so false and so ill-motivated as in these cases of terrorist acts. A few terrorist outfits in Pakistan are following a complete strategy that includes providing vigorous training to young recruits in the handling of arms and ammunition, making arrangements for their safe passage and stay in India for a while and motivating them ideologically against India. The role of theoreticians and orators is immense, in this training - it forms the psychological foundation of terrorism, filling in the young men the urge to die for a great cause. 

The lapses of the Indian security system and the connivance of the locals who rent out their houses to such infiltrators are however unpardonable. At this stage, the government should alert the state police to be more vigilant in patrolling and there should be some arrangement to scrutinise the antecedents of individuals who look out for accommodation on a casual basis. The reaction of Pakistan to the charges of supporting such terrorist bases in its territory has been very distressing. Even in face of several pieces of evidence cited by India, the rulers of Pakistan had the cheek to contradict at international forums. India's stand has been supported by the USA and the UK who have dispatched their foreign ministers to Pakistan to hold talks with Gen. Musharraf on this issue. But India understands that its problem cannot be solved by a third party. Therefore whatever has been done so far by the Indian army and police is commendable. No security system can be foolproof against suicide squads; and yet everything must be done to protect national property and monuments, and the lives of civilians and dignitaries. 

Cross-border terrorism has emerged as the biggest challenge before India in recent times. And yet the Indians have shown resilience after each inside by keeping up the normal pace of life they have demonstrated that they can p up with such cowardly acts of violence. I et we hope that this show of court: on India's part will demoralising those who plan such activities.