India is a country where women enjoy a place of respect and regard. Women are supposed to be the more significant part of the family chariot. In Indian mythology too, women have been given top priority. All names of Hindu gods are uttered with their wives first. We hear of Gauri - Shanker, Lakshmi Narayan, Sita - Ram, Radhey - Shyam and such other epithets. In our Puranas, it has been said that " Where women ( Nari ) is worshipped or respected victory and plenty lie there. " 

In the past women were consideredmistressess of the house. They had little concern for the outside world. Of course, examples are not lacking in which women were found experts even in warfare and they helped their husbands in fighting. The example of Kaikeyi is a living one. Women were by and large not required to take interest in outdoor life. They managed home and looked after children but in no way they were considered inferior to men. 

Soon the mistress of the house became a machine for domestic work. She was kept away from education. The foreign culture brought innumerable tyrannies. Women became the worst victims. Hence purdah system was introduced. Women used to observe purdah in talking to male members other than their husbands and children. They hardly visited towns or travelled to distant cities They used to take tattoo marks on their body to make themselves look ugly Such were the days of Indian women when the Indian rulers yielded their sovereignty to foreign rulers. 

This helplessness did not pass off unnoticed. Reformers looked at this pitiable condition of women. They brought about several reforms. In the last days of Rajput rulers, it was customary for women to observe johar. This in course of time degenerated into a - system in which on the death of their husband's women were thrown into the same pyre. When daughters were born, the parents considered themselves unfortunate. This might be because of the compulsory dowry system. These social evils brought women to the level of animals and those were really shameful days. 

In the past women were not better than chattels, domestic servants playing a second fiddle to their husbands. Child marriage, polygamy, sati system and the dowry system added to their misery. They had no right of inheritance or remarriage

The women of India played a silent, self-effacing role to sustain Indian civilization down the ages. For their greater participation in national life, it is necessary that they should occupy positions at the decision-making and planning level. There should be equality in social rights, equal pay for equal work and elimination of discrimination in employment. No distinction in matters of education between boys and girls should be made. Female education can not only widen their mental horizon but also equip them with the requisite qualities to face the challenges of life. This slogan of UNESCO must be borne in mind. " Educate a man and you educate an individual; educate a woman and you educate a family ". 

With the dawn of freedom, Indian women have been made to occupy an important place. Now our girls are being trained as doctors, nurses, lawyers and civil servants. In colleges especially in Arts and Medical science girls are found in plenty. There is an adult franchise and women have been given their due share. Recently two important laws have been passed to restore their rights to them. The Hindu Code Bill has empowered the wife to divorce her husband if the latter is found wanting in decency and decorum. The Hindu Succession Act has given a share in the property to daughters too. Now women are no longer inferior to men. 

Not only that, women are today placed in high offices inside the country as well as abroad. Mrs Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit of the U.N.O. Miss Padmaja Naidu held the post of the governor for several years. Mrs Sucheta Kripalani was the Chief Minister of U. P. for several years. Last but not least Prime Minister Indira Gandhi held the rein of the Indian National Congress for several years

Let us demolish the wall of prejudice, allow women to come out of the prison wall of purdah and play a dominant role in the enchanting task of building the mansion of new India.